
new stuff.

these are some of my newest paintings: i made this particular one for josh's housewarming gift. his favorite color is red, and i used my new paint markers to make all of the bold lines. SO much easier than trying to get straight lines with a brush. and i had a 40% off hobby lobby coupon so they were only $2 each. paint pens: god's gift to the universe. i love them so dearly.

this is one from a set of painting i did with tons of different little sayings, this one says "unicorn on the cob" because as we know.. i love unicorns. basically. but these are always fun and somewhat mindless coloring book style, which is nice. low key projects every now and then are enjoyable.

i won't say this is my masterpiece, but it's pretty close. i finished this is two days and it was sooo much fun. the photo really doesn't do it justice. this was such a fun painting to do and you can't see it, but the yuengling is glossy and there are lots of little details which i really enjoy.

this one was pretty much an accident but i think i ended up liking the final outcome. i had done a ton of smaller paintings with fabric paint and water colors on watercolor paper and i recycled them for this painting. i cut up all the strips for the backgrounds and the shapes for the mountains and flowers. and used the different colored paint markers on the flowers. you should see the ten layers of paint under the strips. this was definitely an evolving piece. so not my favorite, but still fun.
and these are my newest earrings! these are some of my favorites that i have made this week. they are very summer. i think they would look nice with a white shirt or dress. and i put them both in my etsy shop yesterday here and here.

other than that, life news.. i have been using a wireless mouse since yesterday and i LOVE it so so much. i have been so sick of my trackpad i didn't even feel like using my laptop. so that is saving me so much. i have definitely missed my mouse. and in other happy news, i got to play balderdash last night, my all-time favorite board game! do you know the definition of a "dungarunga" is... actually i can't remember. i knew it last night. i'm sure it wasn't anything i'm interested in, possibly a short attention span? or a tight pantsuit? who knows.



This was a small portion of the out of control workspace on my desk
and here are some of the improvements i made:
*Paints all organized in the drawer instead of desktop*

*pens, pencils, and markers organized in a single small container instead of 5 huge bowls full of junk. and i threw out all the oldies*
AND i labeled them. bam.
overall enjoyed all the organizing and i have a lot more workspace. not to mention all the time i will save picking up pens and markers. ((i would quite frequently knock the big cup of marker onto the floor)). and i got on etsy, got a new photo, renewed some old listings, and added a few new ones like THIS! -my first hyperlink. so proud.

all in all, successful day.

I miss stuff!

i miss hector, i miss sonic, i miss friends from finnegans, i miss my nanny, i miss wii bowling, i miss my brother, i miss rollerskating, i miss jordan, i miss barb, i miss chipotle, i miss ms. searcy, i miss ceramics, i miss downtown, i miss halloween, i miss secrets, i miss my cat when she loved me back, i miss scarf weather, i miss getting dressed and leaving the house on a daily basis, i miss making money, i miss planning birthday parties, i miss lots of stuff.
Hector, my former boss and bestymy brother bearjordanmy bitch, clementine

i wish it wasn't so hot outside so i could get inspired to crochet, i got the best how-to book from the library. i can never crochet from a pattern but this book is super simple and has photos so i am going to make a focused effort to learn some new techniques before i have to return it.

spent all night reorganizing my desk and all of my supplies to make everything more accessible and easier to use. i'm planning on spending a lot more time on my etsy shop this month. i've wasted enough money on the site and on all of my supplies and mailers without having any return whatsover. all i would have to do to be successful is invest more time, which i have plenty of. so there is really no excuse, i'm ready to get super productive and make it awesome.

anyhow, i didn't realize it was 3 am. goonight.